Taylor M. Hall-Masiello

Reflective Journal 1

  1. What have you learned and/or re-learned in the last 4 weeks of our sessions? (Specifically identify the concepts, principles, and skills  in public speaking that you have learned and/or re-learned).  (15 Points)
I have learned to never be shy or scared to speak up. I also learned that public speaking is not so hard when you pick a topic that you are passionate about, and treat it like a conversation.  Another thing that I learned is that saying “we” instead of “you” to the audience is friendlier. I re-learned how to cite sources, and even learned that not all citations have to be parenthetical. The most important thing that I learned is the more you speak in front of people, the easier it gets, so take every opportunity you can to speak in public.

2. Have your learning techniques, time management, and learning attitude been effective in this course? If yes, why do you say so? If not, why do you think so? (5 points)
     I think my learning techniques, time management, and learning attitude have all been effective in this course. The learning technique that I use most is my listening skills, which really help me during the lessons. My time management skills have been adequate, but I would still like to procrastinate just a little less. My learning attitude is great because we were allowed to pick our own topics. When you pick something that you are interested in, you become happy and eager to learn.

 3. Are your instructor’s teaching style and approach , as well design of learning lessons and  learning activities effective and able to help you learn and/or relearn things in speech communication? WHY do you think or say so? (5 poins)
     I think that the activities, approach, and teaching style are very effective.  I like the approach that we are allowed to be individuals and talk about what we are passionate about. The activities like the practice speeches were great. I will feel much more comfortable when it comes time for my big speech knowing that I have already spoken in front of the class and I have nothing to fear. I like the teaching style because I always feel that I am encouraged to do my best. The design of lessons is helpful because there is always an example that we can watch or see to get a good feel for the lesson.

Reflective Journal 2

-In weeks 5, 6, 7, and 8, reflect and discuss on how much you have learned or re-learned further on each of the following areas or set of knowledge and skills:
a.    Communication (thinking, writing, speaking and listening) skills;
b.    Collaboration or team work skills;
c.    Leadership skills;
d.    Ethics

ANSWER: I learned a lot in the past four weeks. After performing the informative speech, I think my communication skills have improved because I am better at listening to others. I think my collaboration skills have improved because I have asked for help in rehearsing my speech. My leadership skills were exercised when I arranged a practice time with another classmate to rehearse our speeches. I think my ethics have improved because I really had to be respectful in my speech preparations.

-Reflect and discuss how each of the following factors enabled you or contributed further to your learning:
a.    Learning materials
b.    Learning activities or tasks or assignments
c.    Speech delivery and evaluating other speaker’s speech performance
d.    Instructor’s teaching style and approach
e.    Your own attitude, study and work ethics  

ANSWER: Learning materials helped me because I loved the example powerpoint. Learning activites helped me because the in-class speaking exercises gave me more confidence to speak in front of the group. Evaluation became easier for me because I knew the exact criteria to base the evaluation on. The instructor's approach was very helpful and encouraging. My own attitude improved because I enjoy public speaking more since I can pick my own topic.

-If there are changes to be made in your own learning style and your instructor’s teaching style, what should these changes be?

ANSWER: I think my own learning style is very good already but one improvement is that I would like to be more involved in peer review. I like my instructor's teaching style because she encourages everyone and gives us helpful criticism.

Reflective Journal 3

1.     After having delivered your persuasive speech or after watching others deliver their persuasive speeches (if you have not delivered yours yet),

a.     What concepts, principles, and skills in effective speech communication have been further imbibed in you?

The concept of emotional and ethical appeals have been strengthened during the persuasive workshops and speeches. Before this course, I would only try to use one type of appeal, but this course has taught me that I should use both appeals to make persuasion stronger.

b.     What proofs or evidence reflect the set of knowledge and skills you have learned, strengthened, improved or developed?

I attempted to use both types of appeals during my persuasive speech by both asking the audience to imagine themselves losing the chance at their dream job and also by providing concrete evidence of someone who lost their job because of their internet activities.

2.     How valuable do you think are the skills you have gained in effective communication in your personal, academic, and career goals?

I think the skills that I have gained are very valuable. I do not believe that there is a single career or relationship in the world where speaking is not important, so even if I do not want to deliver speeches for a living, it is important to have skills in public speaking. This course has taught me to be more confident and use more effective types of persuasion.

3.     If you are to recommend some strategies for success in acquiring skills in effective speech communication from CAS100A class, what specific strategies would you recommend to a peer or fellow students?

Success in acquiring skills from CAS100A class really relies on the individual learner. All of the strategies are presented to us, but it is up to the learner to pay attention, be present, and absorb and apply the information. Also, it is useful to ask for help and suggestions when you feel lost or confused.

4.     What of our course objectives do you believe have been met at this stage of your learning progress? [Be sure to go over the course objectives in our course syllabus]

I think I have met the following objectives at this stage in the course: understanding the value of effective speech, overcoming fears, fundamental skills, effective use of technology, critical assessment of speeches, engaging mindfully and reflectively, and I am working towards finishing my e-portfolio.

5.     Comments/Recommendations or Suggestions

It might be helpful to some students if a peer-review of the actual speech was done before the date of the presentation. This might help them include anything that they might have forgotten and also get over nerves.

Reflective Journal 4

Coming soon!