Taylor M. Hall-Masiello

CAS 100A: Effective Speech

Reflective Journals
The reflective journals took the place of quizzes during this course. Each one was designed to make us think about what we had done in the past four weeks. I liked having this form of evaluation rather than quizzes because it was more personal and reflective. The reflection allowed me to see the progress that I had made and possibly determine what type of improvements I could make next.
Persuasive Speech
The persuasive speech was a challenge for me. I chose a topic that I felt was important to college students, the effects of social networking on your future. I took on the task of using both logical and emotional appeals to convince the class that posting questionable things on the Internet would prevent them from getting the career of their dreams. I was able to redo this speech, but the first version is the one posted. I really enjoyed this topic because it pertains to almost everyone my age.

Informative Speech
For the informative speech, I chose the topic of puppy mills. This is a topic that I am extremely passionate about, so I felt motivated to make the speech excellent. The most difficult part about this speech was to keep it strictly informative. Since the topic can be emotional, I had to make sure that I was simply stating facts rather than convincing people not to buy pets from puppy mills. My favorite part about this assignment was that it gave me the confidence to not be nervous on my other speeches.

Coming soon!